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Can I save a quiz for later?

How to create quizzes without assigning them

Anna Wallis avatar
Written by Anna Wallis
Updated over a year ago

In Educake, if you want to save a quiz for later without assigning it to a class, you can save it as a template quiz. Other teachers at your school can see and use your template quizzes, just like they can with your assigned quizzes. This article will show you how to work with template quizzes in Educake.

Creating new template quizzes

You can create template quizzes in Educake in the same way that you set regular quizzes. Start by clicking "Create New Quiz or Template" in the course you're working with. (Note: this button used to be called "Assign Tests".) Here's what this looks like:

Then choose your subject, unit(s), topic(s), and questions. When you reach the "Add Extras" page, you'll have the choice to continue and assign the quiz to classes, or to save it as a template. Save it as a template by clicking the "Save Quiz as Template" button, here:

If you'd rather assign the quiz right away instead of saving it as a template for later, just click "Set Quiz Dates" to move on to the next screen.

If you save your quiz as a template, you'll be taken to your list of saved templates.

Editing, using and deleting template quizzes

Once you've created a template quiz, it's easy to make changes to it or use it to set quizzes. You can do all of these things by clicking on "Saved Template Quizzes":

Editing template quizzes

You can make changes to an existing template quizzes by clicking on the pencil icon next to the quiz name. Here's what this looks like:

Setting quizzes from templates

When you or another teacher has created a template quiz, you can create a copy of it to set to your classes by clicking on this button:

When you click this button to set a quiz, you can make changes to the quiz but they won't be saved to the original template.

Deleting template quizzes

You can delete a template quiz by clicking on the X next to its name, like this:

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