Teachers can re-use quizzes that other teachers at their school have set. Two of Educake’s features are very helpful for this.
1. View other teachers' quizzes
When you’re viewing quizzes on the My Educake page, you can click on the "Filters" button in the top right corner to open the filters. Then select this tickbox to see all the quizzes that have been set by other teachers at your school:
2. Re-set quizzes
You can make a copy of a quiz and assign it to another class. You can do this with another teacher’s quiz or with your own, using the "Re-set or copy quiz" button from the Actions drop-down list:
You’ll be able to edit the quiz before you assign it.
Together, these two features are very helpful if your school is looking to standardise homework, or if one co-ordinator would like to create a bank of quizzes that other teachers use.
You can also find out how to share quizzes across academy trusts by looking at this article: