Yes, Educake offers several options for analysing your students' activity and progress. This article will show you how to use several tools. You can read about how one school uses them here.
Analyse Results: explore insights across groups or curriculum areas
Educake's new Analyse Results page is our most comprehensive analysis tool. It lets you explore your students' results at any level. Compare year groups, compare classes, look up individual students, identify areas for staff or student support - the possibilities are endless with the Analyse Results page.
For any student or group of students you can see:
performance in any topic area or subject
how that compares to the national average
scores that are higher or lower than expected
how many questions answered
how much independent revision done
a printable report
There's more information on the Analyse Results page here:
Markbook: track homework completion
The Markbook lists all the Educake quizzes that have been set for a class. You can see each student's score and whether they completed it, along with a summary of their overall homework completion and lateness.
Student League Tables: compare student engagement
The Student League Tables are a quick way to rank students by number of questions answered, percent correct or number of questions students have set themselves. Here's what the student league table looks like:
You can filter this by year or by date, and you can download the data as a spreadsheet.
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