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How can I see the results of a quiz?

How to view the results of a quiz or homework

Anna Wallis avatar
Written by Anna Wallis
Updated over 2 years ago

We've updated the results page for quizzes, which is a central part of Educake. We'll gradually add even more features throughout the autumn and winter of 2022.

This article shows you:

The basics

After you’ve set a quiz or homework, click on it to see its results.

Once you've opened the quiz, you can see the students it was assigned to along the left side. The questions are across the top. Each answer is shown with a tick, cross, or question mark.

  • A tick means the student got the question right.

  • A cross means the student got the question wrong.

  • A question mark means a student has disagreed with their mark and they’d like you to review it.

Click on any of them to see the student's answer, leave feedback, or change a mark.

If you want to quickly see students' answers, you can hover over ticks, crosses, and question marks.

You can sort the students and questions by clicking the arrows. Click again to sort in the opposite order.

In the upper left corner, you can switch between different views. Each view has its own options, which appear to the right of the list of views. In Simple view and Detailed view, you can switch between students' first attempt, best attempt, or last attempt.

If you set the quiz to more than one class, you can filter to just see one class at a time. To do this, click on the class at the top of the page.

In the upper right corner, you can download:

  • a printable version of the quiz (not available for maths at this time)

  • the results of the quiz in a spreadsheet

How to check homework completion

See who’s late

A student’s name will appear in red if the student was late to finish the quiz.

You can sort and filter by late students by switching to Detailed View, and then clicking the sort arrows for the Late column.

See how many attempts each student made

To see how many times each student took the quiz, switch to the Detailed view. You’ll see extra information, including a column called “Attempts”. This column shows how many attempts the student took.

See how long the quiz took

Switch to Detailed View. You’ll see extra information, including a column called “Quiz mins”. This tells you how many minutes each student spent on this attempt of the quiz.

When we calculate this time, we don’t include time the student spent on other websites while the quiz was open.

See all first attempts, all best attempts, or all last attempts

From Simple View and Detailed View, you can also switch between looking at each student’s first attempt, best attempt, and last attempt.

How to give feedback

Comment on a question

Click on a tick, cross, or question mark. You'll see details about the question and that student's answer. You can leave a comment on their answer, and you can choose to change their mark.

Reply to queries

If a student disagrees with how a question is marked, you'll see a purple question mark for that question. There are two ways to review these:

  1. Click "Review queries" button. This will open the first queried question. You can then use the Next and Previous buttons to move through the queries.

  2. Click on any purple question mark to review the answer.

Comment on a quiz

At the end of a quiz, students see three self-evaluation questions: what went well, what didn't go well, and what are they going to do to improve. If a student has answered these questions, you'll see the pencil half filled in with green.

You can also add your comment to their quiz. Click on the pencil. You can do this whether or not the student has answered the self-evaluation questions.

How to do question-level analysis

Sort questions by score

By default, the page will show the questions in their order they appeared for students. If the questions were in a random order, they'll appear in the order you saw them when you were choosing them.

You can also sort the questions by how well students did on them. Click on the arrows next to the row of average scores for each question. This will sort them from lowest to highest. Click the arrows again to sort from highest to lowest.

Hover over a tick or cross to see answers

You can see students' answers for any question by hovering over the ticks and crosses in its column.

Soon, we'll be adding a way for you to see a list of all the answers in one place, and how many times each one was given.

How to go over a quiz with your class

Hide Student Results view

Hide Student Results view will hide students' answers and scores, so you can share the results page in front of the class.

Preview a question

Once you've switched to Hide Student Results view, click on a question number to see the question. When you're ready, click "Show answer" to see what the accepted answer or answer(s) are.

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