How are the national averages calculated?
How can I see the results of a quiz?
Can I see how long students are spending on quizzes?
Can I see a student report for one quiz?
Can I see all of a student's quizzes?
How do I know if I have a question to review?
Can I view all the quizzes set for a class?
How do teachers give feedback to students?
How do I see which students completed the quiz late?
Which quiz results appear in Markbook?
Can I filter my list of quizzes?
How do I export data from Educake?
Can Educake create individual reports for students?
Can I download multiple student reports at once?
How do I review performance across topics?
How do I compare years and classes?
How do I analyse performance by question type?
Do Ofsted accept Educake reports?
What does the Analyse Results page show?