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How do teachers give feedback to students?

How to leave comments on quizzes and questions

Anna Wallis avatar
Written by Anna Wallis
Updated over 2 years ago

There are two ways to give feedback to your students in Educake: on individual questions and on quizzes.

Giving feedback on individual questions

When you view the quiz results, you can click on any tick or cross or question mark in the results grid. A window will display the question, the student’s answer to it, and any comments made by the student. At the bottom of the window you can comment on the answer, and change the mark. The student will then see your comment the next time they view their quiz results. Here’s what you see when you click on a purple tick mark on the results grid:

Giving feedback on quizzes

Each time a student finishes a quiz, they’re asked three self-evaluation questions: what went well, what didn’t go well, and what’re going to do to improve. You’ll see their responses to these on the results grid of the quiz, under the SE (self-evaluation) column. 

You can leave a comment on their self-evaluation of the quiz. Do this by clicking on the question mark (if they’ve completed the evaluation) or the pencil (if they haven’t) here:

You’ll be able to see the student’s answers to the self-evaluation at the end of the quiz, and leave a comment for them. They’ll see this the next time they go back to look at the quiz results.
Even if the student hasn't answered their self-evaluation questions, you can comment on their quiz by clicking on the white pen on grey background.

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